- Date
- Summary
Filmmaker Michael Moore and the subjects of his 2007 film SiCKO were in Philadelphia on June 30th, 2012. Michael, the folks from SiCKO, health insurance industry whistleblower and "Deadly Spin" author Wendell Potter, and healthcare justice leaders from around the country spoke and held a Q&A on how the film has impacted their lives and the future of the healthcare justice movement.
- Contributor
Kiley Jolicoeur
- Subjects
healthcare; es:asistencia médica
- Collection
- Unit
Default Unit
- Terms of Use
open access
- Notes
Local Note
pmr_oldfileloc: Vimeo
Michael Moore
Wendell Potter
- Other Identifier
Other: online video/Vimeo/Still SiCKO: A Reunion With Michael Moore and folks from SiCKO-45336291.mp4
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.