- Date
- Summary
This is a raw and unedited video. The core issue here is can the voters of Camden, NJ elect their school board, even though that district is under takeover [consent decree]. There will be an edited video posted in October 2016. The raw video has been requested by many people in the Camden community. Please visit to get updates on this topic. The updates will include interviews and comments from activists and the superintendent. You may want to skip to 8:50
- Contributor
Kiley Jolicoeur
- Genres
observational; es:observacional
- Subjects
education; es:educación
- Location
- Collection
- Unit
Default Unit
- Terms of Use
open access
- Notes
Local Note
pmr_oldfileloc: Youtube
- Other Identifier
Other: online video/Youtube/Camden School Board Lawsuit Hearing-GJMNdf3Mlxk.mp4
Access Restrictions
This item is accessible by: the public.